Travel and Earn money with Fireflies!

Get out of the treadmill! Travel smart and later for free! With Fireflies you have the opportunity to travel 10-30-50% or even 70-80% under the prices of the well known touristic reservation portals. Be informed about the possibilities!




Those who spend at least 500-1000 euros for a holiday, we'll show them why it is better to reserve it at Fireflies.


So deciding with Fireflies is quite simple. We only buy a trip for a lower price with many individual guarantees including other services like hotline. Furthermore we get right to use reservation portal of Fireflies and we have possibility to sell the products of Fireflies and make money.




Anyone who joins Fireflies, it is not an exaggeration, they get their own online travel agency. 



Thus, we can offer the Fireflies travel packages to anyone in our environment.

We can tell our journeys booking with Fireflies. 

Just for example, in the hotel where we stay during our holidays we talk and tell our partner that: "Listen, I have a surface where you can book the same but for cheaper prices and plus with more services and guarantees." 

At Fireflies we get the rights to sell its products.


The larger the tour package that someone buys, the more commission you get when building your business.





The Fireflies offers a good business opportunity. All the people will like this opportunity.

In the area of ​​tourism it is a great option, as everyone loves to travel. With the low prices and guarantees Fireflies products easily sell themselves.


No license (eg. Business license) is needed for Fireflies to earn with Fireflies. No paper work and exams are necessary.

We have flexible opportunities any time in any country. For example, tomorrow we can travel anywhere and there we can continue our business.


With Fireflies we can run our own business  part-time or full-time.


We provide an opportunity for people to do what they also did until now: travel sometimes for much cheaper prices, and furthermore there is possibility to have nice commissions from it. 


We can save money and time. We can have the opportunity to become financially free.






-Career and comissions with Fireflies:

1. Direct Bonus:
Direct bonus means that we get 13.6% of commission of the value of each tour package that we sell directly.
For example, if you sell a basic tour package which costs 524 US dollars, you get $ 70 commission.
2. Depth Bonus:
We get a commission from the turnover of each Fireflies member registered in our system. We get a commission from all the selling of tour packages or any other products made by others in our system. Plus we get a commission from the reservations of others made with the Fireflies reservation portal, in our system. 
 Depth bonus is 5-15% of the net value of all the turnover depending on our career level.
So Depth bonus is derived from all the traffic, made in our system except the directly sold tour packages or other products that we sell to other people. 
Completion of the first stage of our career level means that we have sold directly 3 tour packages, in which we get 5% commission from the turnover of all the distributors below our career level in our system.
3. Matching Bonus:
The matching bonus is a bonus that is created from the previous two bonuses.
We can get matching bonues for up to 13% of the total turnover of members in our system. 
 4. Car Bonus:
When reaching Gold Leader career level members get a comission for buying and maintaining a new car.  Car bonus consists of a larger amount of money (5000 USD) and additional monthly payments. Maximum 3% of the total net turnover is payed as a car bonus.
5. Leadership Bonus:
After reaching Gold Founder or higher career level. If any member in our system reaches the same or higher career level than our present career level we are entitled to get a leadership bonues.







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