Travel and Earn money with Fireflies!

Get out of the treadmill! Travel smart and later for free! With Fireflies you have the opportunity to travel 10-30-50% or even 70-80% under the prices of the well known touristic reservation portals. Be informed about the possibilities!



The Fireflies, formerly known as Swiss Halley Ag. The company's experts has made a research and decided to invest in the field of tourism. Since tourism is the fourth largest industry in the world, it has 9.5% of the Worlds total GDP.



The travel industry is a 7000 billion dollars business.
Every year more and more people travel, go for a journey, and reserves accommodation. And this number is just growing.




The 80% of the world's total population use when reserving on the internet, and that is only 1% of all the bookings in the World, so the market is really big.



In the 90s when people planned to go for a journey, they usually turned to a travel agency.


Then, in the mid-90s the first booking portals appeared on  the Internet. 


Thanks to the spread of the new technologies, the number of online bookings began to grow in the second half of the 2000s.


In 2008, 75% of the reservations were made in a travel agency (offline) and 25% of the reservations on the Internet (online).


But in 2014 only 37% of the reservations were made in a travel agency and 63% of the reservations were online.




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Mai: 11
Tegnapi: 4
Heti: 17
Havi: 67
Össz.: 43 826

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Travel and Earn money with Fireflies! - © 2008 - 2025 -

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